Embracing Remote Work Culture in Bengaluru

Imagine how it would be when you are drinking your favorite coffee and enjoying your delicious breakfast in your favorite café while attending your morning office call instead of being stuck in traffic and honking on thousands of vehicles standing as a block between you and your office. Sounds intriguing or may be fantasy?
Thanks to Covid-19 for making this fantasy a reality. It introduced a new work culture which was alien to fellow Bengalureans, It brought IT professionals and others to beautiful cafés from busy cubicles. It gave us a new way to find time to pursue our personnel goals along with our professional duties.
What is Remote Work Culture?
A culture that allows companies to let their employees work from anywhere with trust and responsibility.
Of Course, Employees have to ensure that they have all the necessities to perform their duties to their best without any interruptions.
Companies can also provide support to the employees to set-up necessities to ensure employees are equipped with the proper support.
How Remote Work Culture can be a north star for Bengalureans?
Remote working culture simplifies the definition of office work.
Now, Professionals don’t have to sit in a fixed place at their office or don’t have to struggle to find a meeting room to attend their client meetings. Instead they can work from co-working places,cafés like Starbucks and many more places.
There are a lot of places in the city now providing all the necessities including strong internet connection to support the remote work and to attract the crowd.
Remote work can also give flexibility to start new gigs. It could be freelancing,content writing or even pursuing a hobby.
In this way, One can expand his/her network and take a complete benefit of the remote work culture to accomplish their personal and financial goals.
5 ways how Bengalureans can embrace Remote work culture.
1. Less Commute issue
Traffic has always been a big headache for Bangaloreans whenever they are commuting to their offices.
The average one way commuting time in Bengaluru is around 1 – 1.5 hours. That’s nearly one fourth of the total working hours.
Well, working remotely eliminates this problem completely. You no longer have to attend your morning calls while in traffic.
2. Location Independency
During the first wave of Covid – 19 when companies announced the work from home for its employees most of them turned towards their home cities.
This impacted positively on the environment around the city. Traffic issues in the city are reduced and people started moving out of the city as their work is independent of location.
Bengaluru is also known for its water crisis. Doing remote work can reduce the demand of water for daily chores.
3. Better Work Life Balance
Working remotely will empower you to stay focused on your work by eliminating the unnecessary distraction.
Additionally, this would let you find some time to invest in your personal activities. It could be attending an online class, taking fitness or yoga class etc.
4. Job Satisfaction
A study found that remote workers are more satisfied with their jobs than office based employees. The main reason behind this is remote work.
The companies which are flatter and more informal in nature adapted the remote work culture tends to provide better work satisfaction to the employees as employees are trusted with their duties and given a freedom to work remotely.
5. Increased Productivity and Performance
More and more people are finding that working remotely can lead to a more productive and less stressful work life.
A remote work culture can allow employees to work from anywhere, at any time. This can lead to more efficient use of time and a better work-life balance.
A small company can also offer employees many benefits, such as avoiding commute times, saving on office costs, and having a more flexible schedule.
In conclusion, Remote work culture is a great escape to the soul sucking traffic for the bangaloreans. It also reduces pollution and creates a positive impact on the environment.